I have to admit I'm wishing the winter months away at the moment, longing for some better weather so I can get out and about in the Seven. I appreciate I can drive the car now, it's just not as much fun and sometimes feels a little forced. After a winter drive I always feel compelled to clean the Seven, so it's a bit of a double whammy.
While I'm waiting for the end of winter I'm also carefully watching not just the weather, but the sunset times too! I really enjoy an evening drive in the spring, leaving the house 15 or 20 minutes before sunset, but after the roads have gone quiet. Our local roads are usually pretty quiet from 7:30 pm onward. My drive out usually takes around an hour and a half, seeing me return in the dark, having enjoyed both daylight driving, hopefully a glorious sunset, and a little fun in the dark.
Eager to understand precisely when I might be able to once again enjoy such a drive I found the following website which I though I'd share.
The site provides a wealth of information such as;
World Clocks
Time Zones
Weather Forecasts
But most importantly it provides fantastic data around the Sun and Moon including a Sun calculator.
The calculator provides an accurate graphical and tabular representation of the Sun including information pertaining to;
Astronomical Twlight
Nautical Twilight
Civil Twilight
I can clearly see I need to wait until late March until my preferred driving conditions start to appear.
Can't wait!