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The engine is in

Updated: Oct 29, 2018

Whilst I still have a few blog articles to write describing build topics prior to the engine install, I can confirm the engine is actually in, you may have seen this if you follow me on Instagram. Stills and a live feed were regularly sent to my instagram account.

The install took place today, Sunday 28th October, from about 8:30am until 3pm, with only minor tea breaks. It was a truly mammoth task. Leaves me with one question, how expensive is the labour for a new clutch!!! Ouch.

I will follow up with a detailed blog of what took place, and also a time lapse video of some of the process.

There is at least one critical element I will document that I'd not read in other build blogs, so please check back.

Thanks must go to both my wife and mate Mark for their practical efforts and patience as I stressfully navigated my way through this difficult challenge. This wouldn’t have been possible without their continued support, patience and tolerance.

Wife checking in mid way through

Mark and I sorting the alternator post engine install

Me, shattered and exhausted, but happy to finally have the engine in. I was smiling inside honest.

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